At Sul Ross State University we know what it’s like to be one of a kind,
built to stand out in a busy world.
It’s our mission to prepare you for your dream.
If you’re looking for something far from ordinary, you’ll find it here.

Small class sizes, over 60 degree plans, at one the most affordable universities in Texas.

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Sul Ross State University

The Frontier University of Texas
#SRSU #SulRoss #BrandEmLobos #FarFromOrdinary

Registration for Summer and Fall 2025 opens on March 31! ❗

️All freshmen are advised by the @srsuloboden. Email or call (432) 837-8982 to schedule your appointment.

Sophomores, juniors and seniors need to contact their major faculty advisor. 

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #register #loboden #advisor #summer2025 #fall2025
The College of Agriculture, Life and Physical Sciences (ALPS) at Sul Ross State University will host 164 4-H and FFA members from across the region on April 2 to compete in five separate Career Development Events (CDEs). The participants represent 10 different high school FFA chapters and six county 4-H Clubs. 

The CDEs are facilitated by Sul Ross faculty, Texas AgriLife personnel, students and community volunteers. SRSU has hosted this opportunity for intermediate and secondary students since the 1950’s. For more information, email Dr. Carl Igo at

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #ffa #4h #cde #texasagrilife
Registration for the Alumni Gala has been EXTENDED!❗️

Celebrate our SRSU 2025 Distinguished Alumni, Athletic Hall of Honor, and ANRS & Rodeo Exes award recipients with us. Tickets are on sale through March 26 and will close at midnight. Visit @srsualumni and tap the link to the bio to get yours today!

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #alumnigala #distinguishedalumni #hallofhonor #rodeoexes #rsvp #tickets
Welcome back to campus, Lobos! 🐺

We hope you had a relaxing Spring Break. There are #28DaysLeft in the semester before finals, so let's get going! 🏃💨

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #welcomeback
Time to 🪫⚡️🔋

Turn Spring Break mode💡on and relax next week! Travel safely and responsibly. 

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #springbreak