A huge thank you to Dr. Bryon Schroeder for leading last month’s fascinating hike on the archaeology of the Big Bend!
Now, grab your binoculars and join us for a birdy hike with Dr. Maureen Frank! 🦅🌿 We will keep our eyes and ears open for as many species of birds as we can find. Don’t miss this chance to explore, learn, and connect with nature!
📅 When: Saturday, April 5, 2025 at 9:00 AM
📍 Where: Hancock Hill, Sul Ross State University
🧭 Guide: Dr. Maureen Frank
🐦 Theme: Birds of Hancock Hill
🥾 This 1.8-mile hike is moderately strenuous and completely FREE! Registration is required.
🔗 Sign up now at "Guided Hikes on Hancock Hill" on the @borderlandsresearchinstitute Linktree.
#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #guidedhikes #birdsofhancockhill #rsvp