At Sul Ross State University we know what it’s like to be one of a kind,
built to stand out in a busy world.
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If you’re looking for something far from ordinary, you’ll find it here.

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Sul Ross State University

The Frontier University of Texas
#SRSU #SulRoss #BrandEmLobos #FarFromOrdinary

As we cheer on Presidio, check out our SRSU community and visitors from Presidio High School showing love this morning as they drove through Alpine. 

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #gobluedevils
Let's hear it for our local schools, Lobos! πŸŽ‰

@thealpinebucks Lady Bucks Powerlifting team and @discoverpresidiotx Presidio Blue Devils Boys Basketball team will be escorted through town Friday morning to compete. 

At the approximate times of 10:40 and between 11:15 and 11:30 a.m., they'll be passing campus on Highway 90. SRSU will be cheering from the grass and sidewalk in front of Lawrence Hall, across from Dollar General. Any SRSU students, faculty and staff are welcome to come by and make some noise!

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #alpinehs #presidiohs #sendoff #sendthrough #gobucks #gobluedevils
SRSU's Kelsey Wogan and A. Michael Powell co-authored research paper with fellow scientists from @bigbendnps and @calacademy about the discovery of a new species and genus of plant - the Wooly Devil.

Read the article from botany journal PhytoKeys at @pensoft's highlights. 

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #woolydevil #newplantjustdropped
Guided Hikes will team up with the Big Bend Trails Alliance (BBTA) to offer 2 mountain bike rides on Hancock Hill, an easy route and a spicy route. Participation requires mountain biking experience, a solid, well-maintained bike with freshly-sealed tires, use of a helmet and appropriate hydration. This event is free, but you must sign up!

πŸ“… 9 am on Saturday, Mar. 8, 2025
πŸ“ Hancock Hill Trailhead, Sul Ross State University
🚲 Easy route ~6 miles; Spicy route ~9 miles (requires advanced riding skills)
πŸš΅β€β™‚οΈ Kevin Urbanczyk and Thomas Shiller
πŸ”— Sign up now at "Guided Hikes on Hancock Hill" on the @borderlandsresearchinstitute Linktree.
"An Evening with Sid Balman Jr." features SRSU Writer-in-Residence and Pulitzer-nominated national security correspondent reading from his post-apocalyptic novel set in Far West Texas, Algorithms. Balman will also read from his current work-in-progress, The Mural, about the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, TX on May 24, 2022. 

This free event will take place on Mar. 6 at 7 p.m. in the Espino Conference Center. The public is welcome to attend. Brought to you by the Lobo Literati League, the SRSU book club.

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #sidbalmanjr #algorithms #farwesttexas #themural #robbelementary #uvalde #pulitzer #loboliterati
Join us for a journey through time on Hancock Hill! πŸΊβ›°οΈ 

Dr. Bryon Schroeder will guide us through the archaeology of the Big Bend, uncovering stories hidden in the landscape. Don’t miss this chance to hike, learn and explore! πŸ“ 

πŸ“… When: 9 am Saturday, Mar. 1, 2025 
πŸ“ Where: Hancock Hill, Sul Ross State University 
🧭 Guide: Dr. Bryon Schroeder 
πŸ₯Ύ This 1.8-mile hike is moderately strenuous and completely FREE! Registration is required. 
πŸ”— Sign up now at "Guided Hikes on Hancock Hill" on the @borderlandsresearchinstitute Linktree.
Iconic. πŸ›οΈ

#SRSU #sulross #brandemlobos #farfromordinary #briscoe #administration #bab